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Is green building good for business?
August 17, 2016
Is green building good for business? August 10, 2016 by John Bleasby It's hard to turn around without reading another study that either touts the benefits of eco-friendly home design and construction, or suggests that consumers are increasingly willing to pay a premium for ‘green features' in their homes and renovations. Does this offer an opportunity for savvy builders and renovators to different...
August eNews Arcola
August 4, 2016
Wrap your home in nature, without the maintenance Inspired by nature, GOODStyle siding and shingle can help your clients adapt some of nature's inspiration to their homes' exteriors. Goodfellow's product line gives clients the look and feel of wood, without the maintenance. GOODStyle bevel planks, shingles and panels a...
July e-News Arcola
July 8, 2016
Exterior design matters Are your clients looking for an exterior uplift, but unsure where to begin? Kaycan's new Home Designer may be the place to start. Coordinate roofing, siding and trim colours with the click of a button Get audio-friendly product information Help with exterior accents, such as shutters, gables and specialty vents Kay...
Hazard awareness training for every construction worker
June 9, 2016
Ontario Ministry of Labour consults on hazard awareness training for every construction worker June 2, 2016 by Alec Caldwell The Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL) is proposing a new mandatory safety program for contractors. They are calling it “construction hazard awareness” training. It's just in the “consulting” stages right now, but if everything goes according to plan, a new one-day course will ...
June e-News Arcola
June 9, 2016
BBQ Season – Put decks on the menu June is a great month to get clients going on outdoor decking projects. There are infinite ideas and styles to choose from. Trex makes eco-friendly composite decks from an innovative blend of 95% recycled wood and plastic film. Get customers thinking about how they'll be using the outdoor space to get the most from thei...